Halifax! You've been home for my journey since I've started. We've shared successes and heart break. We've share experiences that still leave me with smiles and breathless. You've taught me so much and most of all you've allowed me to grow into the person I am at this moment. Thank you for being amazing. This past year has been crazy. If you've asked me how I'm doing you, that's been my answer 'crazy'. I have hit some major milestones in my life and checked off a couple of huge goals. I truly want to thank you, because without you, I wouldn't have been able to achieve my goals this quickly. I am letting my Halifax loves know that I no longer have a full time incall location, at this time. We never know what the future holds. My schedule will be limiting, and a couple of my projects are taking off. I will be going lower volume than I already am. Pre-booking for incall days will be highly recommended. I will keep my schedule updated on Lyla, Twitter and here.
Above all I hope we all have an amazing year that is full of celebrations and joy, that will shine brighter because of the sadness and setbacks we will also face. I am excited to see what the future holds for us but overall, I find so much joy in the now with you. I hope we continue our joys and fantasies to make sure we are always smiling in 2023.
Big hugs, Stephanie
